WHQ in film, radio & print interviews 2021
WHQ in Film, Radio, Books, Podcasts etc.
For around 25 years we hardly ever spoke publicly, always declining all interview requests & media contact, as it's not really our vibe, so we only communicated WHQ via music.

Then in 2015, the Channel 4 lot began the initial work on a documentary which got us talking. We now go through (very) brief periods of occasional public chatter.
This means now there are various films, TV, radio, podcast & print interviews kicking about relevant to WHQ.

We only ever agree to do these when we think it is a topic people who support the Club may find interesting, or if we feel it may help spread our positive WHQ message.

Straight after we have done them, we tend to shut up again, for extended periods. 'Shut up' is basically our default setting.
So if you want to hear what we think about the Club & other stuff too, here is the place & now is the time.
We've pulled the bits all together below for you & we hope that you enjoy watching / listening & it expands your understanding of WHQ, what we get up to & why.
So - let's have all the goss...x

BBC Radio 4 'The World at One' - 08/10/21
In the wake of the Newcastle United takeover, BBC World at One Radio show interviews Tom from WHQ about what makes Newcastle great. They introduce him as a 'Bar Owner' which he isn't anymore, but no biggie, he takes the opportunity to nail everything great about the Toon anyway.
Face to Face Interview
'Peep TV' : an in-depth interview all about WHQ Club, recorded in 2019.
This film is in a sit down interview format. Chatting about all aspects of the thinking that underlies the Club.
It will give you a really good feel for the what, the way & the how, of the WHQ vibe.
Murals & Artworks - A Tour
'Peep TV' : tour of the amazing Murals in the Club.
This is a really great film from 2019... It takes you on a tour of the Club & breaking down the inspirational artworks.
It's also up on the site on the 'Amazing Murals' page, which you can also find in the 'Our History' section. On that page we go into written detail about them too, but this film here, gives you a more hands on, insightful, first-hand, human take on them.
Not quite sure why James (the guy interviewing) keeps calling murals - 'Muriels..?'
But that doesn't spoil things & is actually quite endearing. We hope you enjoy it.
The Northern Guide to Happiness podcast.
This a fascinating 2021 podcast interview, where Tommy from WHQ discusses happiness & what makes both his & WHQ's world tick. If you are feeling down - this little chat might just lift you back up.
The interviewers chat first & he then kicks in around 4 minutes in & chats for about 45 mins.
Here's the Spotify link so you can listen in...

Chatting for a blog
This is a homely, friendly & informal short interview from way back in 2015, chatting to ace young blogger Bryony Simcox.
It covers nerves about how the upcoming (at the time) Channel 4 documentary might turn out, playing records, dog walking & the WHQ take on Newcastle in general.

Channel 4's - Any Colour You Like
The WHQ Channel 4 Documentary - 'Any Colour You Like'
This film is also up in it's own section, earlier on in 'Our History.' There we tell the full backstory to how it came about.
You can also watch this in hi-def on your TV, by going to the 'All4' platform & searching the title.
ITN News 27th August 2020
ITN conducted a short interview with WHQ for a local TV News feature on 27th August 2020.
Discussing the effect the Global Pandemic was having at that time, on the future viability of the Club.
S.O.S. - Save Our Scene Documentary
A crew called 'Rhythm Rug' made this great little documentary about WHQ & the Covid 19 fallout in December 2020.
It features interviews with Tommy & some of the Club's wider family of promoters & friends. It gives a great insight into what the Club means to the people who come here & how hard the pandemic was hitting us at the time.
Catherine McKinnell MP speaking in Westminster Hall
One of our local Labour MPs took the situation facing WHQ & all Newcastle Nightlife at the height of the Corona virus, to the highest level in Parliament, back in early November 2020. Check her out name checking the Club below...
Each One Teach One
Each One Teach One
This is an online Black History Month article from October 2020, highlighting several key Black figures on the international music scene, covering New York, London, Berlin & Cape Town & Newcastle.
There are some really inspiring people featured here along side us & it's refreshing to see an equal amount of women represented. The bit about WHQ closes the article.

Mixmag Covid Article
A Feb 2021 article with Mixmag's Jack Ramage. WHQ contributed opinions around how UK Clubs might reopen post pandemic, in light of the potential rapid testing requirements that were being suggested at the time.

Doctorate In Civil Law
Newcastle University recognised WHQ's contribution to a lifetime of fighting racism in the city, by awarding it's Team Leader a Doctorate in Civil Law in 2017.
This was the same honour they had awarded to Dr. Martin Luther King in 1963 & it was given to him on the 50th anniversary of Martin having received his.
There is a page with all the background & what happened on the day etc., earlier in the yarn, entitled 'Dr Who..?'
Watch the full acceptance speech here & yes, he does say 'thongs...'
Show Racism the Red Card
Chatting to our great friends 'Show Racism The Red Card' in 2020, about racism in the UK in the wake of the Black Lives Matter Movement.
This was part of a series of video films with various Black people sharing their experiences of racism & the Black Lives Matter Movement, the rest of which you can see in the video section on the SRTRC Facebook page.
'Hit Factories' by Karl Whitney
“What does a city sound like?” asks Karl Whitney, at the start of this 2019, eleven-city travelogue through the UK’s musical past. This is a book which chronicles British working class cities & the music & amazing scenes they produced.
It covers all the heavy hitters Liverpool, Manchester, Bristol etc., (not London) but goes way deeper & is a really ace journey through the entire musical landscape of the real Britain.
Tommy was interviewed for the Newcastle chapter, discussing the origins of the Club & much more. If you want to know how, where & why the UK music scene has been so influential & diverse, this book is a great place to start.
Hit Factories is published by Weidenfeld & Nicolson & you can nab one right here.

Discussing Back History Month - Oct 2021
Tommy from WHQ sits down to do an interview on Black History Month. He expresses radical ideas on hypothetical changes to the power structure in modern society & discusses race & how it has shaped both him & the Club's evolution. This is the only Black History Month related interview he did in 2021, despite being asked by multiple local TV & newspapers to speak with them.
He declined those opportunities, requesting that they spoke with a younger & broader group of Black people instead, rather than just always asking him. The platform this interview was made for, edited much of what he said when they presented the interview online.
This is the full, original, uncut version.
A bit like Desert Island Discs..?
Here's a really great 'Desert Island Discs' style podcast interview, hosted by Archie Waterworth, recorded on the 27th June 2020, This was shortly after the 2020 Covid lockdowns first came into force, way before anyone had realised just how bad it was actually all going to get.
There are some really great tunes & plenty of insightful WHQ based chit chat. This show goes pretty deep & is a really great listen.

Topics include Northern Soul, racism, the 'Let Us Breathe' platform, the role of Black artists in Dance music & thoughts around the lockdown situation.
The post Covid Club world is also discussed, with speculation around DJ fees etc & how we imagined that world might look.
Hit the image below to trigger this fascinating hour of listening - a cup of tea & a biscuit are advised.