History & Culture

Playing free, for chums, politics & lovers

WHQ & outdoor free events with love

We never really plan to, as we are always mad busy, but we often get involved playing music at big outdoor events in the Spring & Summertime. We are a strong culture now & we want our multiracial WHQ Groove to reach as many people as possible.

We love a bit of outdoor action, for all the right reasons.

Playing free, open air events in the sun when we get the chance, is a great way to assist us in making sure that happens.

We also assist in the celebration of love.

Unity Festival

This was the biggest anti-racist event ever held in the history of the city. Love in the sunshine a go-go & we totally smashed it with all our chums.

So epic, that it get's it's own 4 full sections, which you'll just have seen of you are reading start to finish. If not pop back for a peek, it was a really big deal.

Natty gets the crowd started @ The Unity Festival in 2015.

The Soul Food Yard Party at the Tyne Bar

In Spring 2016 on the May Bank Holiday, we played an all-day 10 hour set at The Tyne Bar in the Ouseburn Valley. This was an epic, epic day of music. Here’s how it came about…

Glam Sam, who does the food at the Tyne & asked us if we’d maybe play the Bank Holiday down there?

Party at the Tyne Bar
Sammie is a Newcastle legend, who has been the glue that binds everyone together, since she was a tich.

We’ve known Sammie since we were kids & when you add in the fact that we worked with Fred, the Tyne's owner, back in the day @ The Trent, the answer was always going to be a great big yes.

So that’s exactly what it was - A great big massive yes & we threw all our contacts & crew into promoting the event & knocking up supa-fly publicity…

The Tyne Bar Soul Food Yard Poster
The fab poster for the Tyne do... 'Attendance Compulsory' - Love it..!

The event was supported by literally thousands of friendly, peaceful people, who passed through the party at one time or another during the day.

Playing for ten hours is a big ask, so we drafted in one of our apprentice young WHQ Gorillas, Jackie Soul Jam…

(Great Ape in his own right, in the newer patches of jungle)

… to hang with us.

Tyne Bar DJs
Jackie boy, holding it down like the musical 'Silverback' that he eventually grew into.

That way, we could have a widdle, a few kisses & a couple of little natters over the course of the day.

When you get a golden opportunity like this, land smack in your lap, you play your mates in. That’s how we do things at WHQ.

We knew from all the hustle we put into the promo, that it was gonna be rammed, but this was one of those special days where we blew that, clean out the water & the magic happened…

Tyne Bar Crowd
Back in the days of the (now sadly missed) 'Tyne Hill' - with people simply piling down.

WHQ itself is special - but WHQ in the open air is quite a thing to behold..!

We built it slowly throughout the day, playing so much quality music it was ridiculous.

Tyne Bar Stage
Beautiful music all day & night.

By the evening, it seemed like the whole city was outside & we really hit the pedal, took it by the scruff & & the place just went ballistic...

The Tyne Bar Crowd
The Tyne crowd, up on the tables as we peaked it like flippin' Everest..!

Love on a mountain top

Here's a few seconds of phone footage, shot at the end of the ten hour journey up to the peak of the Tyne do. It was bananas.

We always play events like these for free, as favours… Because favours, are what the Newcastle we live in runs on & always has.

It’s an honor enough even to be asked & we just wanna get our WHQ groove out there, to the people & hang with old friends.

So it was great to touch base with Fred, Dee, Sammy & their crew & deliver so many friendly people so much musical happiness. This really was one of those epic days. When Old Skool Newcastle, simply runs on favours & happy memories.

Record Box
Old Skool Newcastle runs on favours & happy memories.

Harambee Pasadia Festival

This is a wonderful 4-day camping family festival that’s been running the past few years, getting bigger & stronger with each passing year.

Our great chums Hannabiell & Yilis run it. They are two strong, Black females, with a fun, supa-musically conscious groove & everybody who knows them, loves them. 

Harambee Pasadia Afro Fusion Music and Dance Festival
Yilis & Hannabiell

Hannabiell & Yilis perform all over as 'Ladies of Midnight Blue.' Check this beat out from ages ago...

We're sure you'll agree - they're light years ahead of the curve..!

This Festival has a lush community vibe & we were really happy to play. If you’ve not been before, you should deffo check out next year's event @ https://www.harambeepasadiafestival.com/

Here's a little taster...

Lindisfarne Festival

We played at the first ever Lindisfarne Festival, a few years back, up at Beal Farm on the Northumberland coast, which was a great event.

It runs each year now, is really well supported & though we've not been back yet, is well worth you checking out. Our pal Conleth runs it & puts his heart & soul (& all his cash) into making it better & better every year.

Lindisfarne Festival
This is a fab event.

Marry Me

It’s a little known fact that we regularly play weddings too.

Not as a job or anything, just for friends of ours who’ve met in the Club, whose wedding parties wouldn’t be the same without that WHQ musical vibe.

Those bloody Clubmonkeys just can't keep their hands off each other...!

Our Club & groove is a love thing & a natural outcome of all that love, is that people end up in relationships with people they meet here.

When you’re getting married it’s a massive rip off. Everything costs the earth, DJs, Bands, Venues, you name it – they’ll have your eyes out.

Toy eyes
We be taking those, to pay for your cod mobile wedding disco lights.

That’s where we come in, as all we require is basic expenses like accommodation, equipment & The World Headquarters Uplifting (Love) Groove, is right there from your first dance.

Playing weddings keeps you super-sharp as a DJ…

At least one crazy thing you weren’t expecting always happens, so we always bring our A-Game, secure in the knowledge we’ll smash it regardless.

In Marbella

Here are our chums Kelly & Danny, who's wedding we travelled over to play at in Marbella…

Dan, Kelly & crew. Their venue was breathtaking & we rocked it, all night until the sun came up & missed our plane back - Classic!

The next day we were just chilling out in the pool, waiting for the next flight out & we encountered these two dudes. At first we were sure we’d seen them somewhere before - but we just couldn’t place them..?

Men on holiday

After a long while, the penny dropped... It’s Joey Fritzel & young Pablo Piccasso innit..? Check them…

The Commitments

Lot’s of Dj’s think they are ‘above’ playing weddings, but that’s just because they don’t fully understand what’s involved, in actually dedicating your entire life to playing quality music, whenever & wherever possible. If you are into bringing people together through music, things don’t really peak any higher.

Nancy Astor Quote
Soz lads - but she makes a good point.

Playing weddings has taken us to some amazing places, all over the UK & to Ireland, Spain & Germany too. Feel free to ask us anytime. We can’t always do it for you as we’ve got a Club to run, but if we can, then we might just..!

WHQ's Top Wedding Venue Tips...

'Wylam Brewery Palace of Arts'

The three best wedding venues we play around these parts, kick off with the amazing 'Wylam Brewery' smack in the middle of Exhibition park, in central Newcastle. This place really has got the lot... 

Beautiful venue, great look, ace catering, tonnes of space, proper sense of theatre & an operating style so slick - they make it seem effortless.

Seems they even have their own weather system, which rains rose petals..!

It's just like a full-on, country wedding in many ways. You've got the lake, the swans, the fresh air from the moor & cute little bunny rabbits, hopping all over the place in Summertime.

The park is so massive, it's easy to forget that you are in the middle of the city. That means that unlike all the pricey rural venues, value for money city hotels & parking for your guests, are all within a cheeky few minutes of the altar. 

Just you have a little think about that...

Wylam Brewery - Photo Opptastic.

Newton Hall

Another belter we play at is 'Newton Hall', way up on the coast at Newton by the Sea, where they really have the style & a cool, modern take on celebration day. Fab staff too.

Newton Hall
Newton Hall - a modern, yet traditional vibe.

The Wedding Barn

The other really outstanding one is one is called 'The Wedding Barn,' at a place called Gilling West in Richmond, near Darlington.

 It's way bigger than it presents here & their production values / overall presentation are squeaky tight.

The Wedding Barn, Gilling West
The Wedding Barn - lit up in the evening.

There you have it

So when you're thinking of tying the knot, there are our top three tips to check out. We’ve played all the best wedding spots around & clocked the day / set up at loads of way inferior places. Honestly, on every level, these three are by far the coolest & best knot ties, within striking distance of the Toon.

Amazing parties, with beautiful friends mean that even after all these decades in the game, our ‘willingness for weddings’ thing, is another way we approach music & Club life, that just feels right.

So get that knee pad out & stop procrastinating - Being lonely when you are old is a rubbish look... x

Wedding Guests
Southern Irish hospitality is so fab...!

Light 'em up..!

Playing important shows for free every now & again, as favours, is really cool. For both love & cool political causes, it keeps us closer to the true spirit of the music & life that we believe in.

The spirit that teaches us to always keep in touch with the light – so we can keep on shining.

Manual of the Warrior of Light
It's a book we read every day & as close to a Bible - as WHQ Club gets x

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