Contact us
If you'd like to hire the place, run something past us, ask about job opportunities, or to get in touch for any other reason – Please feel free.
You'll be surprised at how happy we are, to engage in all manner of one on one communication with other humans.
So whether you wanna heap praise on our fine establishment, or just grumble on like an ungrateful, unfathomable & unreasonable loon...
We would love to hear from you.
We never answer the telephone, so sending us an e-mail is by far the best way to connect directly with us.
If you’d like to hustle us..? Good luck with that…

We're constantly busy, as we push forward with our (never ending) quest to make this world a better place – one record at a time...
But we’ll try to get back to you as quickly as we can.
Please be polite, so we can be polite back. If you go on like a twat, you’ll simply get blanked…

As we’ve just re-launched our new website, we’d really love to hear your opinion on it.
If you spot a typo, dead link, or any other type of mistake (which you won’t…Ha!)
Please do let us know...
So that we can be totally gutted & quite literally, beat ourselves up about it for days on end…