Disaster Jester

We bet when he hired that Jester costume he probably thought to himself “I’ve got these NYE Tickets in the bag..!!”

He probably hadn’t thought there’d be so many other shite Clowns in the same boat as him. Well fool him, ‘cos there’s strong competition for the best Clown & it’s safe to say those prizes will probably be landing elsewhere… 

This is because his costume is rubbish, his make-up is rubbish & he has shamed his family, his friends, his ancestors, but luckily not his descendants... as he won't ever have any for obvious reasons. 

Attempting to win back our lovely readers with a daft facial expression & attempted lunge, but clearly, there's no way he can win which is a shame 'cos this geezer is a Clown. A true Clown... Readers, If you know him please beat him heavily with a stick, or inform us of his whereabouts so we can arrange for it to be done..!

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