Like a popular Game of Thrones cast member, probably on his last night out (before the severing of his own head by some fictional Medieval faction or other), this is guy is smack on the money...

He's knicked a leaf out of the young Halloween ladies costume guidebook & is possibly rocking the ultimate "shag hair" do of the entire competition. He appears completely toothless, has a spectacular fivehead (despite his ample barnett) & just basically looks ready for drinking... Don't get us wrong we know it's not a great costume or make-up job but this is a top look, you can't deny it readers... A masterclass in playing to your genetic strengths. If you happen to be a hairy, dishevelled Game of Thrones look-a-like, with both a fivehead & top quality shag hair, then that's what you should come as. Always play to your strengths & max your natural talents, readers, it's just basic common sense.

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