Futuristic Alien Overlord

We're sat here writing this at daft o'clock in the morning & we got a real lift when we came to this contender. What is she like..?!

It's got to be one of the best looks of the competition, when we first opened the photo one of us said "fucking hell!" & the other one said "trippy"...

She's simply astounding. We gave her this name as we've no idea what she's meant to be..? But we think you'll agree readers, that whatever it is, she's flippin' nailed it big time. 

If you're going to deviate from the course of accepted Halloween spookery, you have to do it with a level of excellence, commitment & swagger, that enables you to get to a point where blood & gore don't matter. That is no easy task... But there is no doubt that this contestant absolutely owns her look. A true pioneer & definitely getting our vote.

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