This Mr. T is elsewhere in the competition so here you're voting for his two assistants...

The pair of them are a bit of a mismatch really & unfortunately for the contender on the left, beautifully flaxen L'Oreal hair & genetically perfect cheekbones are a crap Halloween look... If we were blessed with that facial structure, we'd have got the makeup out, been a skeleton & capitalised on the divine facial construction of our own skull... So it's an opportunity missed. On the right however, we've got a proper touch of class... Where we see beautifully subtle bloodwork, liberally applied & smeared to give the impression of a recent beating, at the hands of a virulent mob... The way he stares into space looking all half concussed is a dream pose. He's got some sort of Dracula cape on the go, by the look of things... But it's the contrast between Miss. Cheekbones overplayed shirt claret, when compared to his lighter touch, of just basically looking like he's been kicked all over the floor... That wins him the points on our card.

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