Why Eye Man
This is surely top 5..?
We asked him who he was, he said Why Eye Man & instantly, we laughed.... Box one ticked.
Then you consider the homemadeness... Box two ticked.
Then you ask yourself is it spooky..? Yes for box three. Unique, original & yet another sterling effort from a competition veteran (Shaun of the Dead last year & Oor Wullie the year before).
One of the favourites for a prize this year for sure...
So nice, you get it twice...

The outright Competition Winner & your Champion..!
He also won the Costumes Without Categories Category. 113 votes - Won £250 cash, a £50 NYE bar voucher, a WHQ Hoodie, a WHQ Baseball shirt, 6 tickets for New Year's Eve & free admission to every single event we had on in the Club for the next year.
Cos he's the Champ..!
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