![](/images/media/halloween/2012/41 Zip face Zombie Rapunzel.jpg?fm=pjpg&w=770)
It's a good look that she has obviously taken a lot of time to put together...
A homage to last years overall winner 5* Zip Girl, inverted though, so without being a direct take. Plenty of other positive aspects to the outfit too. In terms of children's fairytales, given little Miss McCann's disappearance & Uncle Jimmy's pottering on (as he fixed it for us all back in the day), Rapunzel's tale is not one that has played too well in the bedtime story, popularity stakes of late. Many of you may not even remember it, beyond the tower & the long hair... It's the one that starts where the witch catches the woman stealing her cabbages from her front yard & comes back years later to abduct her little child etc., etc. Thus this is a minority costume, well sinister, well chosen, well executed & well worth some votes we think.