However many you get, they all look exactly the same...
There's usually not much you can write about them really to tie them into Halloween. So this chap we have here is a quality find... Years ago, up in Elswick, there used to be a pub just off Westgate Hill on Elswick Road called the 'Adrian's Head'. For some unknown reason nobody ever called it that & it was always known as the 'Blue Man'. In those days there were a couple of blocks of student flats (now flattened) just up behind the Blue Man. All the mad charvers would go into the bar & sell knock off stuff. They'd also sniff glue in there, buy themselves joints of bacon, take superstrong LSD, finger each other & drink copious amounts of lager... Then, when they were right off their faces, they would all come up to the flats & befriend any unsuspecting students they could sell 'Tack' (hashish) to. Obviously, they subsequently beat them to a pulp & stole all their worldly belongings... They were nuts & all had nicknames that were from the animal kingdom. Ratty, Squirrel, Snake, etc., etc., they were all called after wild beasts... Anyway, we digress... It was right next to the old Cemetery, which ties this historically accurate, colloquial, urban quip in rather nicely, with this evening's Halloween festivities & your man right there...