1. Curtis Mayfield House
This bit our site tells you about the inspirational building our Club is located in & lets you in on the bigger picture of what it brings Newcastle, in terms of music, art, culture & our unique business model.
Read through to find out the history of our building & also what’s happening on our upper floors, as we continue our exciting evolution as a cute, self sufficient, asset to Newcastle’s cultural scene & a truly independent, creative, artistic hub for all kinds of life enhancing things.

Ground & First Floors - WHQ Music Club
Curtis Mayfield House on Carliol Square, East Pilgrim Street, is a 6-storey Arts venue in central Newcastle. The first 2 floors are now the permanent home of the far out World HQ Music Club.
World HQ relocated here in 2003, from its original 1993 home on Marlborough Crescent, which was then demolished, after 10 magical years as the City’s smallest & best Club.
The entire back story to World Headquarters Club is laid out, in the 'Our History' section in the site menu.
Hit the next button to discover more about the building...